Saturday, March 9, 2013

Changing a Life: Meet Amber

Meet Amber
Week 1: 245 Lbs

Amber is 23 years old and a dedicated senior student at Arizona State University, graduating this May! She came to me early this January in desperation of needing to lose weight. At 245 lbs she could see her life downward spiraling. She is going to school to become a special ed teacher and knew that she would not be able to keep up energy, motivation, inspiration, and life in her work if she did not make a change. Not only was her desire to work with kids in jeopardy, she could see how fast the scale was on a uprise. She had lost control of her own life, health and future.

Amber can not imagine a life where she is not considered obsese. She doesn't know any different. She has never been able to shop for clothes like other girls her age, or wear stylish clothing. She has no self esteem or confidence. This has affected the friends, opportunities, and goals she finds herself settling on, simply because she feels she can't achieve anything bigger, or better.

I am a firm believer that environment trumps will power. So what the first thing I required Amber to do? Leave her house and move in with me.

I don't care how determined you are, when you are in an environment where there is not only crap food, but people eating it around you, it is IMPOSSIBLE to eventually not crumble and fold. This is exactly the environment she has been living in and the example she has been shown.

Amber moved in with me the 1st week of February weighing in at 245 lbs.

Follow her progress each week, and watch this incredible transformation. Watch a young girl's life change before your eyes.

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